Week 5: Mastering Training Load

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Week Five checkpoint

This weeks training is a continuation from last week, with no new exercises being included. Be sure to check your workbook for the exact sets and reps.

Take some time this week to learn about the acute to chronic workload ratio, a key principle in keeping your Osgood pain away in the long term.

Tasks for this week

Learn about the acute to chronic workload ratio and experiment with the spreadsheets.

The daily routine is still to be done every day:

  • Foam rolling, 10 rolls each position
  • The Crouching Three stretches, 30 seconds per position each leg
  • Glute activation routine, five reps each leg for each variation

The workout needs to be done three times per week, with at least 48 hours rest between each one:

  • Knee isometrics, four sets of 30 seconds each leg
  • Glute bridges, three sets. See workbook for reps
  • Shallow squats, three sets. See workbook for reps
  • Calf raises, three sets. See workbook for reps

You might like to try squatting a little deeper if well tolerated, don't be too aggressive with this though!

Remember to keep logging your pain levels before and after the days program.

Mastering training load

This week we are going to consolidate your strength training from last week (ideally squatting a little deeper if tolerated). Be sure to note the increased reps in the workbook you are required to complete for the strength exercises.

As your knees start to feel better each and every week, you might now be be starting to return to your activities from before the program. With this in mind, we have another education week to help you reduce your risk of Osgood flare-ups and also help you get the most out of your training without under or overdoing the hard work.

The acute to chronic workload ratio

In sport performance, we monitor an athlete's acute to chronic workload ratio. This is the total amount of their recent (acute) training load, compared to their average normal (chronic) training load. A big difference between the two is a red flag.

The acute to chronic workload ratio directly complements the heat map, allowing you to track your training load over time to see how consistent you are with your training.

We have built a spreadsheet designed to help you track and monitor your training load over time. You can download and access it here:

What is training load?

Training load is the amount of training we do in a week.

It could be measured as total daily steps, reps in the gym, hours of practice, distance covered, intensity of training or number of sprints. Tracking training load helps athletes and coaches manage their fatigue and performance to get the most out of each session and prepare to their very best for competition.

To start monitoring your training load, enter your weekly sporting commitments into the spreadsheet and fill in the number of minutes the session lasts and a rating of perceived exertion (RPE)*.

*RPE is an individual’s measurement of how hard a training session was. 1/10 would be an easy walk, 10/10 being your hardest sporting session ever. Some sessions may have a mix of hard and easy components, but most athletes have a pretty clear idea of an overall score. Get them to use that score.

This gives you an idea of how hard the session was, and how much time you spent at that intensity.

The goal of monitoring your training like this is to keep your training inside a bandwidth of what we call the floor and ceiling of training loads.

Mastering training load is a vital skill for athletes as it enables them to sidestep a vast majority of overuse injuries throughout their careers.

“Both low and high training loads are associated with increased likelihood of injury compared to moderate chronic loads."

— Australian Institute of Sport, 2015

Common errors and mistakes

A training load mistake is when you have a random or unavoidable lapse in acute workload (illness, weather, holiday etc). A training load error occurs when you try to overcompensate to make up for the mistake.

Training mistakes can also be accidental spikes in training volume due to tournaments. These mistakes are often unavoidable, but errors occur when you try to play catch up and get the reloading wrong.

It makes pretty good sense that if you spike your acute training load too high relative to your chronic loading you’re going to open yourself up to an elevated injury risk.

What’s interesting though is that a drop in your training volume is just as likely to leave you open for injury risk! This is because it creates a relative spike on your reload as you return to normal training.

There is sometimes a lag between when you made the training mistake and when the injury strikes. Stress fractures can take 3-5 weeks to show up, while things like Osgood Schlatters can appear settled or cured but re-appear 7-14 days after a spike in training load. This is one of the key reasons it’s important that you complete the entire seven week program as a minimum, even if your knees are already pain-free.

Video guides on understanding training load

These two videos explain in detail the concept and application of the chronic to acute ratio.

Closing Week Five

Take some time this week to consider your weekly training load, maybe begin logging your sessions every day for a few weeks and notice any trends that might occur. This a valuable skill as an athlete to help you pin point any potential spikes in volume before they happen.

Up next

After successfully completing a full week of your daily routine and new workouts, it is time to progress!

Go to Week Six here →


In the next week, you may have received an email from us about leaving a review. It would mean a lot if you could let us know your thoughts on the program in that email. They go a long way in ensuring that we continue to provide the best experience and support possible for those suffering with Osgood Schlatters.

You can leave a review here →